Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Buyer Beware ! - Is your wine-by-the-glass service sending that signal

Really? Is that really the attitude you want any of your guests to take? That they should be wary of what you say and what you offer and what you promise?

When you consider the fact that the 2 biggest-barriers-to-consumption, as reported by the Wine Market Council are; 1) How fresh is the wine, how long has it been open, and 2) Why is the price inflated, why is the glass price near the retail bottle price, it is clear to see what many guests are thinking.

How about “buyer trust”?
How about “buyer confidence” induced by a clear commitment to wine service excellence.

How do you deal with customer disappointment or buyer remorse? How do you deal with today’s more wine savvy guest? When you consider the fact that the majority of guests’ dissatisfaction regarding wine service rarely result in a complaint; you are in a hospitality setting after all. It’s the difference between “tough luck, you should have read the fine print” and “oh no! How can we help?” If people know you will always make it right, they will beware less and trust more.

What do you have to do to create trust in your wine-by-the-glass service ? How much would it cost and how often can you produce it? The investment needed is small, and implementing the “trust inducing” service is easier than you think.

Whatever it costs, it’s a bargain.
Check out for more information

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